Eine feine, reduzierte Zeichnung eines lachenden Mund als Metapher für den Schwerpunkt Zahnersatz in der Praxis am Mexikoplatz in Berlin
Eine feine, reduzierte Zeichnung eines lachenden Munds als Metapher für den Schwerpunkt Korrektur der Zahnstellung in der Praxis am Mexikoplatz in Berlin

Clear Aligners

Zahnärzte am Mexikoplatz Berlin

Die Hände einer Frau führen eine durchsichtige Zahnschiene in den Mund ein

Clear Aligners

Natural teeth are rarely in the correct position without orthodontic treatment. The false position is not only an aesthetic discomfort but also can lead to functional problems due to overload on certain teeth or tissues. This can be perceived through loss of hard- and/or soft tissue and/or pain. Malpositioned teeth can have a tendency for earlier decay and discoloration as well as tartar accumulation. 

The transparent splinting system helps us to correct malpositioning and reduce overload. The final result is a functionally and aesthetically optimal teeth position. Intraoral scanning and computer aided design helps us to show the patient the final animated result of the treatment. The correction of the dental arches through tooth movement is carried out through transparent splints that are almost invisible in everyday life. We are eager to introduce you to the splinting system in our dental practice in Berlin-Zehlendorf and accompany you through the whole treatment.

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Eine lächelnde Frau mit schönen Zähnen mit gelockten Haaren

Our Practice is Currently Being Renovated

Dear patients,

Our practice will be closed from April 1st, 2023 to July 1st, 2023 due to renovation work. We would like to apologize in advance for any inconvenience.

For the months of April and June 2023 we will be at the Steffen Hocke dental practice, Breisgauer Str. 37, 14129 Berlin. Our telephone number 030 – 801 51 21 will remain the same during this period. In May 2023 we will be on company holidays and dentist Steffen Hocke will be available for any emergency pain service.

We look forward to welcoming you back to our newly renovated practice in July at Beerenstr. 66.

Best regards

Your dentists at Berlin Mexikoplatz.

Lorena Gerlach & Dr. Constantine Wegenstein

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Eine lächelnde Frau mit schönen Zähnen mit gelockten Haaren